University Koblenz-Landau, Technical College Höhr-Grenzhausen
In 2016, the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung initiated an extensive sponsorship project: since then, the foundation has been supporting various apprenticeships and courses of study in the field of materials science/ceramics. The high number of educational institutions in Höhr-Grenzhausen/Koblenz under the umbrella organization Bildungs- und Forschungszentrum Keramik (BFZK e.V.) enables the foundation to strengthen the next generation in this field at a wide variety of educational levels in accordance with its mission.
The high number of educational institutions in Höhr-Grenzhausen/Koblenz under the umbrella organization Bildungs- und Forschungszentrum Keramik (BFZK e.V.) enables the foundation, in accordance with its mission, to strengthen the next generation in this field at a wide variety of educational levels. In addition to the Koblenz Campus of the University of Koblenz-Landau, three institutions of the BFZK e.V. – the Technical College for Ceramics Technology, the Ceramics Branch of the Montabaur Vocational School and the Westerwald Campus of the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences – are supported.
In addition to the sustainable promotion of young talents, the cooperation also includes the financing of technical equipment required for the training. The aim of these support measures is to increase the attractiveness and quality of research and teaching in the ceramics sector and to motivate young people to pursue a career in this field.
During a ceremonial event at the Ceramics Museum Westerwald, the scholarships and prize money have been awarded to students for their special achievements every year since 2016. The award was presented in the presence of numerous representatives of local business, science and public institutions.
“The Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung is dedicated to the promotion of art and science and supports young talents in a sustainable manner and according to philanthropic principles. Nearly 100 graduates have benefited from this so far at the two locations in Höhr-Grenzhausen and Koblenz. Thanks to the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung and its support of ceramic apprenticeships (manual, technical, academic), we have a real privilege that is unparalleled in Germany.” Prof. Dr. Peter Quirmbach, Professor of Technical Chemistry and Corrosion Science, University of Koblenz-Landau