The World in My Hand, Exhibition view

© NOSHE, 2024

Throwback to the exhibition The World in My Hand

The exhibition The World in My Hand, curated by Dr. Jörg Garbrecht and Katharina Wenkler, closed its doors in the BlackBox of the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung on October 31. We can look back on more than six successful months full of talks, lunch breaks and curator tours with many interested visitors from Germany and abroad.

The exhibition focused on the smartphone as an omnipresent everyday object and encouraged reflection on its use. A total of 52 works by 35 artists were presented. It offered visitors fascinating and personal insights into the world we hold in our hands every day with our smartphones. The expansive scenography of the exhibition by Ester Bruzkus Architekten was honored with the Interior Design Award 2024 in the category Public Interior Design / Gallery.

Quotes of visitors:
Very great exhibition! Impressive derivations and associations on the subject of smartphones.

Very nice and interesting exhibition with important information and presentations about things you are not aware of, reflecting on today’s life and everyday life.

Interesting impulses and food for thought, also for your own use of the smartphone. Thank you very much!

A wonderful, inspiring exhibition that broadens horizons. Highly recommended!

Media response:

  • “Groundbreaking exhibition… superbly curated” (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
  • “A definite must-see” (Bayerischer Rundfunk Radio)
  • “Exciting wellspring of ideas and attitudes… in an exquisitely designed exhibition” (PHOTONEWS)
  • “The smartphone is based on the digital, the analogue of the exhibition is characterized by the architecture designed by Ester Bruzkus and Peter Greenberg” (Kunstforum International)

Publication: A publication has been published to accompany the exhibition, which is reminiscent of a telephone directory in terms of design and offers exciting essays on the cultural history of the smartphone. Among others, the editor-in-chief of MADAME, Petra Winter, writes about the smartphone as a fashion item, FAZ editor Jakob Strobel y Serra focuses on the global phenomenon of food porn, the award-winning exhibition architects Ester Bruzkus and Peter Greenberg explain their ideas for the design and staging of the show and the medical doctor Manfred Spitzer comments on the often lamented “cell phone thumb”.

The publication is available in our online store: The World in My Hand – Telephone Directory