Vergabe Deutschlandstipendien an der HAWK Foto: HAWK, Martin Ly
Vergabe Deutschlandstipendien an der HAWK, Foto: HAWK, Martin Ly

Awarding of Deutschlandstipendien at the HAWK Göttingen

© HAWK, Photo: Martin Ly, 2024

Science funding - awarding of Deutschlandstipendien

The Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung has once again awarded numerous Deutschlandstipendien to students and first-year students as part of its science funding programme. A large proportion were awarded to students at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) studying subjects such as engineering, mechanical engineering or mechatronics and robotics. Students at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) also received scholarships in the fields of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, geosciences and environmental sciences as well as chemical engineering and process engineering. This year’s Deutschlandstipendium holders also include students from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen (HAWK), University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück and University of Applied Sciences Koblenz. The scholarships enable young academics to fully commit to studying without financial worries and also strengthen Germany as a science and business location in the long term.

What is the Deutschlandstipendium?

Since the summer semester of 2011, the Deutschlandstipendium has been supporting students and first-year students who are expected to excel in their studies and careers. Scholarship holders each receive 300 euros per month – half of this, i.e. 150 euros, is provided by the federal government and the other half by private donors. The Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung has also been awarding Deutschlandstipendien since 2019 and supports students proportionately with 1,800 euros per year or 150 euros per month. In 2024 alone, the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung supported 55 young academics.

This alliance of civil society involvement and state funding is what makes the Deutschlandstipendium so special. The concept of achievement on which the scholarship is based is deliberately broad: Good grades and academic achievements are just as much a part of it as the willingness to take on responsibility or successfully overcoming obstacles in one’s own life and education. Scholarship holders receive the income-independent grant for at least two semesters and at most until the end of the standard period of study. For the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, the Deutschlandstipendien are an important factor in promoting science.