Monica Bonvicini, Fleurs du Mal (pink), 2019
© Monica Bonvicini / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022, Courtesy Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, Photo: Marion Vogel
New Date for Artist Talk with Monica Bonvicini
The artist talk with Monica Bonvicini, originally scheduled for Wednesday, 15 June 2022, is postponed to Wednesday, 20 July 20 2022. Under the title Fleurs du Mal – On the Relationship between the Sexes, the internationally renowned artist will talk about her work with Dr. Petra Giloy-Hirtz, one of the curators of the current exhibition. For more information on the event and to book tickets, click here.
Tickets already purchased remain valid for the new date or can be cancelled free of charge.