Dipl. Ing. Tim Sittmann-Haury (raumstation architects) in front of Georg-Muche-Str. 4.
© Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung
Germany TOP 20
raumstation architects
The BlackBox has been an exhibition venue of the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung since fall 2021. The BlackBox occupies the ground floor of the striking office building at Georg-Muche-Str. 4. It was built by raumstation architekten from Starnberg near Munich. The architects have now been awarded 20th place in the current 2024 office ranking by BauNetz. The ranking measures publications in the twelve most important national and international architecture publications of the last 24 months.
In August 2024, the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung will relocate its foundation headquarters to Georg-Muche-Str. 4. In addition to the BlackBox, a second, spacious exhibition space will open: “BlackBox FirstFloor”, and adjacent to it “Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung Office”.