This year's scholarship holders of the new funding program Women Artists and Child: Henriette Olbertz-Weinfurter, Neringa Vasiliauskaite, Anja Langer, Catherine Takasaki-Lauw, Lena Feldmann (v.l.n.r.)
© Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung
Kick-off Event for New Funding Program
As part of the kick-off event for the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung new funding program Women Artists and Child, this year’s scholarship holders met at the BlackBox last week to present their projects. The five artists, all of whom work with glass and are mothers of children who are not yet of school age, will each receive 5,000 euros per month for a period of 12 months as part of the scholarship to enable them to devote themselves to their artistic work and develop concrete career prospects. With this project, the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung aims to create space for mothers to master the challenge of having children and art.
The generous support enables the artists to have comprehensive childcare and gives them the freedom to rent a studio, take part in courses or go on training trips. This gives the artists the opportunity to experiment, develop their artistic skills and realize their own projects.